
The merchant owns a restaurant located in Illinois and has 3 advances. He is looking to consolidate the 3 advances in order to lower his payments.

Credit score: 720.

Average monthly revenue: $36K.

The average number of deposits per month: 55.

Time in business: Since 2015.

Ownership: 100%.

Existing balances:

1. $10K - $243 daily.
2. $5K - $179 daily.
3. $6K - $130 daily.

Breakout offered a $20K consolidation term loan with a weekly payment of $639 for 9 months at a 1.24-factor rate. The problem is they only consolidate up to 2 positions. I am seeking a lender who would consolidate all 3 positions for about the same dollar amount. Thank you.

Michael Sla*****er