I've been asked by more than one funder how to stop brokers from cheating merchants by telling them, "I guarantee you that I will get you more money."

I had some ideas:

1) Merchant interview - Ask them straight up, "Are you accepting this money because of another offer you were promised?" Tell them that double-funding is not allowed, and that if your broker promised them more money after this funding, that that is not guaranteed (especially if it's a default MCA).
2) Cut off brokers who do that. Get proof via email of the broker's promises / contracts (like I sent you with Chad). Then tell the broker what they did is fraud, and cancel their ISO agreement. Fund the merchant anyway if the merchant still wants it and don't pay the .
3) Start a list for lenders of bad brokers like DataMerch
4) Directly contact a list of lenders who you work with, send them the email chain (PDF) and tell them, "_____ has been blacklisted from working with Midnight, I recommend you double-examine the merchants that ___ brings you moving forward, and examine if you want to continue working with _____."

Lender in response:
I've sued many ISOs, for blocking clawbacks, and they switch enities and run off.
Second, interviews don't help - The broker is sometimes too good.
Third, I look at performance, if the deals pay, I fund them, because otherwise I can cut off every single ISO for potential fraudulent/unethical statements to the merchants

Since there is no accreditation and borrowers can lie about what they heard, is there any hope to figure out a way for the big lenders to start putting notes together on brokers and sharing them among yourselves?