Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
If you are new in sales you soon realize that the failure ratio is very high.

The top 10 Mistakes that people make in sale

#1) Not realizing that you are not a clerk, customer service representative, computer CRM entry person or relationship manager.

We are paid to close sales. Find clients, bring them to the table and close. Create Sales goals for yourself and accountability forms if you are independent so you do not get off track. Self-employed people let the month end creep up on them because of all the distractions.

#2 You are only as Good as your last sale.

We do not get paid for last months results( except for renewals) and your sales managers and bank account has a short memory

#3 Failure to build a pipeline.

Salespeople think they can make calls or face to face introductions and then after a magical period has passed by they no longer have to deal with the drudgery of prospecting to find new clients. They follow the advice of "get rich quick "scam artists selling books, tapes and advice or just salespeople who refuse to follow rule # 1, thinking they can find an alternate solution to putting in the work.Choose the dollar amount( commission) that you want to receive and the total book of business, and work backwards from there in regards to numbers that you need to achieve.

There are renewals but don't rest on your laurels.

#4 Counting your chickens (commission) before they hatched

You cant expect sales to close 100% no matter what. You will be surprised in good ways and in bad ways A sales not a sale until it's Funded in full. Live by the adage some will some won't so what.

#5 Expecting Top producers, Isos or sales trainer to give their time to you for free.

People enter a very complicated business with no experience thinking they will wing it, posture or use someone for knowledge until they "figured it out".(As evidenced by many people leaving the industry.) Sales experience is gained not from time, its gained from sales, recruits/new hires and production.

And this is where sales expertise comes in...for the most important #6-#10, (which really get down to the secret magic sauce)

Contact Elizabeth Cooper
Novus Capital Funding
Email NovusCapitalfunding@gmail.com

(**We have Novuscapitalfunding.com email address.'s.I do not want them spammed up)

For local people, there will be free sales training given @ 970 Lake Carillon Drive Lake Carrilon St Petersburg. Contact us for details.We will set up a conference call for out of state guests.

Depending on the number of attendees we are located right next to the Hilton Hotel and Carillon Park Nature preserves.


( I've scared a bird or 2 yelling on my cell phone walking on the ramp. I am kidding everyone says hi. )
Top 10 mistakes... not knowing how to count to 10... you only posted 5.

But I'll play your game anyway - here's #11 - Spending all day on Dailyfunder.com replying to yourself.