Regulation numbers on brokers /agents

25 people attempt to start
10 Join or hired
6 Left ( 4 quit scared of sales entering the witness protection program- some don't even come back from lunch)
3 Left ( 3 more quit scared to fail the licencing exam)
1or 2 pass the exam ( one in securities the test is harder..1.5 insurance 2 loans)

When you get 100 people passing...take the 80/20 rule then the 5 % rule

then take the 5 % of the 5%
Look around... whats left

(to have massive licenced brokers was a nutty project looking back it seems like a dream...thousands of people crossing your path saying the same exact thing over and over and over and over and over and over.)

Advise ...Be Trainable ...get a mentor or an iso who can help you, if they still want to..or don't