Seems like all this site is used for is painting a black eye on brokers and lenders. But with every dozen bad seeds in the industry, there's a good one. Yes we all know which lenders are good to work with, but which rep do you want handling your files? Here's my favorite people in the industry:

1st Global - Kevin D. - Literally the only reason I use 1st Global. Their underwriting is, for lack of a better word, odd. Things seem to fall through the cracks, but Kevin is ALWAYS on top of every deal, no matter the size, pushing things through and getting deals for you funded.

AJ Equity - Matt S. - Matt was an ISO of mine when I was at a direct lender, now the tables have turned. Seems to have a lot of pull with the head underwriter and always keeps you in the loop with your deals.

CFGMS - Dave G. - Maybe this is special treatment because we knew each other in our college days, so obviously I had to board with him. But he does a great job. Has good relationships with the in-house funders and gets things done quickly.

EIN Cap - Rob G. - Yeah this list might get a bit repetitive, but this guy does everything he says he will. I've never had a rep get stips waived as often and terms extended as much as 20 days as often as Rob. Especially with them funding up to 750k now, Rob typically gets first look on all my files.

Fundkite - Sal M. - Yes, there's currently a thread over an apparent backdoor by this company. I personally don't believe it, but to each their own. Sal has literally saved multiple dead deals for me, and always comes through with what I request upon submission.

Mantis/Cresthill - Mike D. - Love this guy, if an offer gets sent out that I don't receive he calls me to see if it works. Real honest guy, never once have I had a problem with efficiency at Mantis/Cresthill. (Again), extremely transparent and always on-top of files, no longer the size.

Pearl - Rebecca B. - Constant follow-ups, never let's a deal die, and best of all, very patient. Some lenders expect docs to come back instantly, not Rebecca. If it's not her, somebody from Pearl is always working with me to get deals funded.

Simply - Moe - Really cool guy, yet very hard working. Haven't done much business with him but his eagerness and work on the few deals we submit is fantastic. I literally chase deals for their wheelhouse a little bit harder to get deals with them done.

The Smarter Merchant - David K. - Honest guy, let's me know about competition. Pushes things through and always gets me paid quickly.

And that's that. If you think I missed anybody throw in a comment. I have purposely left a few guys out as per their request, so direct lenders I probably already work with you.