Hey DF,

Some manufacturers and distributors of firearms, weapons, ammunition, and accessories have found themselves in an interesting predicament the last 4 to 6 months. Due to recent events in the Country many financial institutions have run away from the industry.

Last year many of these companies struggled as manufacturers, distributors, and end stores built up large inventories thinking there would be a different outcome with the Presidential election. Many companies struggled to sell off excess inventory which cut into margins and profits. Some were forced into restructuring. The financial crisis coupled with some incidents in the US has caused many institutions to cut way back or leave the industry.

Some of the manufacturers and distributors have worked through the excess inventory and are now seeing high demand for products across the board. Companies are now faced with a new challenge: How can I keep pace with the demand from customers, when my working capital line just got lowered or pulled away from my company?

If you encounter any companies in the industry that manufacture or sell non semi-automatic rifles, I know someone who might be able to provide a working capital facility......

They are seeking:
-US based Manufacturers or distributors of weapons, fire arms, ammunition, and accessories. They will BOT consider any semi-automatic rifle companies.
-Revenues from $2Mil to $50Mil
-Facility Need from $500K to $10Mil
-Will always lead with receivables and can include inventory (conservatively).

