Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
Never drop character! Not even to sell Sara some dumb leads.

I read this for like 30 minutes before I realized you were talking about me, and not penmanship. I checked every one of my posts and I couldn’t find the letter you said I dropped.

But anyway, im not looking for problems with our valued members, I’m here to fight for freedom, for the dream that one day, we don’t have to wake up in disappointment any longer, but that we know, our leads are suckage, but that’s not gonna stop us from bringing these commissions home, come you work relief cold callers, come you tight cheeked schizophrenic underwriters, come you disloyal sand bagging merchants, we’re taking home six figures this month, and if www.dumbleads.com can help one iso or funder realize this, our fight has been victory.