Quote Originally Posted by DonMcGrath View Post
Lenders that offer just 1 point usually have the business model of churning and burning their reps, and keeping the deals for themselves.
Thats a dumb strategy for long term growth, as there's no real foundation to build on. We frown on dumb business tactics, except when it’s Dumbleads.com, then we get all zesty.

Then it's not as stupid, because with us, now you can afford to pay more points to your closers, because your cost per deal is lower and has little to no competition, so you totally rock out like a star.

I will take a page from Dan Price from gravity Payments. They did a study and found that $75K was the magic # for employees to remain happy and be able to afford to pay their bills and be productive at work. They did a post study and found better production, happier employees, and much more with this model. The CEO took a large haircut of a $1M salary to help make this happen. A lot of folks thought he was crazy, but, they did something incredible and it worked. Not saying to pay the Account Exec base of $75K, unless you can, but, show a clear picture of earning that amount min. otherwise they will leave your company.