Hi All,

Please refrain from starting attack threads. Threads titled "beware of," "this company is a scam," and "don't do business with" threads make a constructive resolution less likely not more likely. These kinds of threads may be modified, deleted, or the poster may be banned.

  • If you originate MCAs, you're a funder
  • If you originate loans, you're a lender
  • If you originate both, use the appropriate terminology as the situation calls for

  • If you originate only MCAs and refer to yourself as a lender, you may be banned
  • If you are confused by the point above, please ask the more senior members on this forum for guidance
  • If you're a broker and you pretend to be a funder or lender, you may be banned
  • If you mislead or misrepresent yourself or your products, you may be banned
  • If you attempt to sell sensitive information like bank statements or social security #s, you will be banned

This is a public forum. Conduct yourselves accordingly.

Thank you