Ringless Voicemail Drops.

Find a Good Source. Record your Message, buy aged live transfers, aged internet leads - doesn't even matter how old. Blast through them. Your phone will ring off the hook....

On a side note, Ive been in this industry since i was 19, im 33 Now. My entire adult life has only been MCA's. I have my own pitch, my own Voicemails. Ive had merchants say "I get these calls all the time, your the only one that sounds different" or "Id like to hear more" - My pitch sets me aside, Im different than all the other callers, here is why. And it is very assumptive.

Ive called merchants on UCC lists and have had brokers call up and accuse me of backdooring - just because of how i led the conversation - based on date filed, funding company who filed, im giving him numbers and letting him know how we can do better. My phrasing ive been told is just about as borderline as you can get.... but it works. Extremely well. It is unique, aggressive and assumes the close and sets tone out of the gate, even on a voicemail.

Lenders have called and accused us of getting their list of clients, when it was just a UCC - because of my phrasing the merchant assumes (even though im very deliberate not to directly say it) but they get the feeling we have worked together before with company X and since he was a great payer he now qualifies for a more traditional program, extended term, higher dollar amounts. You see we are one of the few companys that take their history and ability to pay into account and leverage that track record to get them into much better programs, blah blah.

Thats all you guys get.
Also Email Blasts work extremely well for me.... Ill send out apps and my schpeil via email and get full submissions back.

I have held pretty much every position available in this industry. Have been on my own, have been with direct lenders, was there at the beginning with my ex partner Mike Massa for Merchant Cash Cloud (now Uplyft Capital) when we were just 2 guys in an apartment and I got our site ranked #2 on Google (behind only Wikipedia) for Merchant Cash Advance. But Im good on the Phone, Im great at bringing deals in and closing them. Give me a Phone and a List and I will outdo just about anyone when it comes to bringing deals in...

The point is Voicemails work, Its about what you say and how you say it.