Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
Voicemails do not work ( they worked better in the past). they get 10000000 calls and day and dont even listen to them.

Why would they choose one vm over the other ...inflection in the vocie? tonality?

You must break thru to the gatekeep and go live ...30 seconds to capture their attention to talk for 30 more seconds to pre qualify for info and make them like you
And if you do get them to call back after leaving a vague voicemail they usually get very standoffish because they feel like they were tricked into calling (even if you didn't say anything shady or dishonest).

I'll repeat what everyone said about joining a good ISO. If you haven't already, look around, speak to a few people and dive in when you feel you've found the right place/people to work with & learn from. Find a couple of mentors, put your ego in check, mix it up(with lead sources/business generation), make sure you are getting paid industry standard and be prepared for some ups & downs your first 2-3 months. Once you get past that you should be fine.