This is my first time posting here at DF and forgive me if my questions are too newbie.

We are actually a direct funder here in SoCal, but never had ISO relationship with other big funders like OnDeck and CAN Cap. In other words, we have not passed any deals to other funders for commission but worked directly with merchants in CA by partnering w/ our local CC processing company. We accept application and we either fund or decline. Btw we only do 1st position. But from one point, we were throwing away too many good merchants who are 1) considered to be B-C paper, 2) out of state CA, and 3) industries we don’t service like trucking & construction. I have no idea how they found us since only sales channel we have is local CC agents. So we are planning to become ISO for reputable funders (not many but around 3-4 funders would be enough).

My questions are:

1) As an ISO, do merchants need to fill out two different applications if we decide to submit the deals to two different funders? The merchant already filled out our application and will be troublesome if we ask them to fill out two other but same-type application. Can we use our application and submit to these two lenders along with other required docs?

2) We run the owner’s credit from Experian directly. Yes we do a hard pull. Would each funder pull the credit of the owner again even if we attach the most recent comprehensive credit report? If so, that’s 3 credit pulls for the merchants.

Is there any reputable funder who can solve these two?

And what is the avg volume per month to be treated as super ISO and get highest level of customer support?

As we develop our business in becoming ISO for other funders, our company will have so many things to newly develop from CRM software to marketing.. and I will have a lot of questions and will heavily rely on super experts from DF! Come to Orange County and I will buy you a lunch, dinner, drink, flower, everything anything you like Thank you all!

Brightpoint Capital, Inc.