That’s true but it’s not really an apples to apples comparison. A broker provides value to a select group of people. Kabbage simply automates most (not all) of the tasks a broker does, but since it’s not restricted to human capital requirements (time), it can move as fast as it can attract customers, which it does on a grand scale.

Many customers will settle for average to sub par customer service if their core needs are being met very well ie., if a merchant with no options can get money quickly and painlessly, within minutes to hours, with minimal work on their part.

That’s the solution they need...who cares if this cybernetic interface didn’t give me a back rub or no high five about my awesome 12k monthly business origin story, or completely shut me down when I was sharing my tv interview that tripled revenue for one month, right before my uncles brother in law made some purchases in my name and got my account frozen.

Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
most things can be elimated but not True sales people

Its and Art and Science...Real salespeople not order takers

They will win long term

Unless you force some type of regulaton ...but they will regroup...90 % of us will sail thru...we are not the low lives they imagine us to be