Quote Originally Posted by DonMcGrath View Post
Unfortunately (or fortunately if you’re the engineer) AI is the natural trend in industry. You go from doing work by hand to using a tool for it, to an electrical appliance or machine that’s 10x to 100x faster and easier, to having an assembly
Line setup to 100x your 10x electrical tool, to then dumbing down the difficulty of that tool so you can use lower wage workers, to then eliminating those workers with overseas workers, to then eliminating most of the humans completely using AI.

That progression saves the company money, increases their profit per goods sold, and allows them to scale to compound their revenue, which gives them more resources, which allows them to develop and deploy more systems that create cost eliminating and revenue scaling processes.
most things can be elimated but not True sales people

Its and Art and Science...Real salespeople not order takers

They will win long term

Unless you force some type of regulaton ...but they will regroup...90 % of us will sail thru...we are not the low lives they imagine us to be