Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
the industry needed it's own trade show. factoring has one, commercial loan brokers have one, etc - mca never did. maybe in time it will bring positive results to the industry.
Financial Services companies have had trade shows for decades. And there are wholesalers who show up from a particular company to "market" themselves to the brokers/ firms, have them sign on.

These shows are designed from a brokers perspective. There are many many different levels of "brokers/firms". Some get so Large they have their own "conventions"...just for them and the wholesalers they are going to invite. They come bearing gifts ...rubber balls, leather-bound notebooks ( with the other companies name on them)

Last big convention from my friend's investment firm, one of the partners elderly mother got drunk and danced on top of a bar of a 5-star hotel and I got blamed for it because I was sup[posed to be watching her..instead I was cheering her on.

I gave conventions for years or weekend retreats and have attended many. People like Anthony Robbins show up.

Its hard to have these "fairs" and have isos with teams want to attend because, in essence, we have brokers who submit deals thru us and deal with backdooring and poaching on a daily basis. Don't know if this can be conquered.