There are many many many many talented brokers. The MCA industry has some of the toughest funders/underwriters/inside reps/isos/brokers

If someone wanted to compete in sales on a worldwide level and I had to pick people from the Df /brokers/isos to be on my team...I do not think you would get a team "worldwide" that could beat us in sales.The problems are not with iso/brokers not being able to bring applications in, the problems are the backdooring, etc etc etc

#1 problem. People trying to insert themselves into the relationships to be an intermediary and avoid the direct contact on the front end of the call...everyone wants to be on the back after all the docs come in,and everyone wants to be seen as a sales guru so they can have documents sent to them.or be in a "management" "ownership" position...and they try to figure out elaborate schemes to accomplish this...automated applications and files in. It will never happen