There are certainly effective ways to do direct mail, email blasts, and really any other type of marketing. As indicated in the lean startup, it's really about experimenting, measuring, and then pivoting or maintaining the course once you find the lowest CPA.

For more specifics on direct mail.... come on guys, be unique. Stop sending the fax blasts with the check for $50,000 out. Stop sending the mailers with the "line of credit card" attached to them. Instead, send TARGETED mailers with a SPECIFIC message. Mail merge their company name & owner name into it.

(now keep in mind, I am a terrible writer and this is an EXAMPLE)

"Dr. Bob Smith,

We've recently acquired a credit facility for dentists in Louisiana. We selected your institution because we believe you would be a prime fit for one of our lines of credit or other financing arrangements. We understand there are many financing solicitations out there, but I assure you that we would not have the audacity to mail you this specific piece if we didn't truly believe it was a perfect fit for your business. Please give us a ring at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Please see the qualifications below:"

Obviously that particular message SUCKS... But the idea is SPECIALIZATION. Target a NICHE, measure the metrics, target a different niche, measure the metrics, pivot, etc....

But more importantly than ANY of that... is read the Lean Startup