Ive thought all this thru being a super iso...hiring training brokers, trying to retain brokers etc

Ive also thought thru ...why could I build a sales force of 500 brokers before .. now 30-50

#1 Not enough capital for deals

#2 Regulation forces broker to "hang" their licence somewhere, we are unregulated no reason to stay unless you are following the leader or they have $$ for deals or a paycheck

#3 commission is so big and renewals you do not need this herculean effort to get the same pay

# 4 I am an old lady...tired of seeing the same excuses, nationwide in different decades

#5 Funders are not all working with us, some are against us, even if we are their iso..no loyalty

# 6 I do not trust most of the brokers ...they are shady and would fnd almost anything to get a paycheck because it isnt their money