I already know why this can and cannot work...what you have to do to make this a success. It has to do with building organizations, which you people love that I point out that I did in the past...1099

You have to start the process with small brokers who can submit deals, or new ones not try to grab BIG ISOS AND ISOS that syndicate.

So you have to recruit individual brokers who have self-employed shops, not isos that are running as a business.( read cash flow quadrant)

Once you do that you are doing everything that an iso or super iso is doing just thru your software and not software that we created on our own ( or basic CRM to direct funder software)

So why does a super iso or iso want to join this software? What do you have to offer? ( back to the bad pitch and sales ability)

Each company has salespeople who have to "recruit" 1099 brokers and some can recruit 100 some can only get 10 because again its 1099 like Amway.

I used to teach people how to recruit 1 person make 1 sale ( in the same month) then 3 by 3 ( same month) 5 x 5 10 by 10 .... 100 by 100

Some of you are trying to recruit someone like me who went 500 by 500 on numerous occasions or funders or brokers who are already set up.

If you have MONEY/ Capital to put in the deals then you might have something to offer some of us.

MONEY/ Renewals...that's it