Quote Originally Posted by kevinhenry0527 View Post
-Why would you send unsolicited deal flow to an asset based lender/factor that does not know your firm, has never spoken with anyone at your firm, and does not have a cash advance product. I have received B2C deals from two of your BDOs in the past 2 days unsolicited.
-Why would you share anyone's information about any deal if the deal is NOT appropriate for the receiver?

This is about as bad as it gets. Brokers are submitting MCA deals to Funding Floor, and Funding Floor is simply blasting the deal out to lenders who aren’t signed up with them. Not even to an appropriate source, either, but to an asset based lender.

I mean, they never even talked to Kevin before sending the deal to his inbox. They simply saw his email on here, and sent him a deal unsolicited.

Seriously, **** this ****.