Can I just come out and say it? Don't take offense Direct Funders and Lenders that are in the "good" pile here.

Funders are soooo thirsty right now. Send me deals - sign up with me - sending out ISO agreements before they even talk to you. BAD. Let's not even get into that.

In a perfect world an application would go through and a funder would review and give an answer fund... but there is more than that.

Now it's -
What positions have they had before? With who? No we don't take merchants who funded with ......
The credit report shows they shopped in December we're declining the file.

Just a taste of the "little" pieces of BS that the Broker has to deal with when working to get a file done - EVEN if they are representing the business and have all answers to questions. Funders are battered and torn and some people in this space have had some things happened to them that make a HUGE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE to the Merchant - and the ISO. Being very picky about the Direct Funders and Lenders have a lot to do with it- but also the ____________________________________________ and the ___________________________________________.