Quote Originally Posted by SBF View Post
Why in the F are you being so combative?!?! I hope this won't initiate another strike from you.. but here goes nothing.
D&B is one of the original business credit reporting services.. D&B captures a new businesses info when that business registers to be corp, LLC or other entity type. Yes, it's true a business can voluntarily sign up.. but it's also true that they can be unknowingly added into their data base. D&B would love it if every business signed up.. but that's not how they get most of their data. If a business wants to have more accurate financial data reported, then yes, they need to sign up or claim ownership to the business that D&B has info on..

Try to stay calm.


you guys need to know how to pitch...if you are with him just say it, not have him use you as a referral...looks bad.

Ps the boiler rooms call those "pitches" the slap and hug

he did the slap forgot the tickle and the hug. If you want me to train you send a pm...5k for 2 hours

gl in your endeavours