Guys thanks for all of your snide comments and replies. I do appreciate them. I mean that. Thoroughly entertaining. In the mean while I already have some sensible people from this forum that contacted me to learn more about the program.

To answer the reason as to why this does not count as a cash advance position it is as follows:

1. There is no dollar amount UCC filed
2. On the bank statement the money coming to the client is clearly from an IT equipment dealer and not a funder.

To answer how it is done without bank statements is as follows:

1. This funding is a rebate back from an IT equipment dealer (or dealers) within our network, who has established themselves with the equipment leasing divisions of major publicly held financial institutions. The leasing divisions finance software and IT equipment on what is called "corp only". That means that the approval is determined off of the tax ID# and what the corresponding Dun & Bradstreet report and Paynet report say about the company. As long as each individual transaction is below $100,000 and the client applying has the business credit (not personal credit), these financial institutions will back the deal without a personal guarantee and without checking financials of any kind. In the real world of financing and banking it is called "application only" financing, and it is very common in the equipment leasing arena.
2. Our network equipment dealers buy overstocked new IT equipment at auctions for pennies on the dollar and then sell it to stacked MCA clients who still have decent business credit at the highest possible markup in exchange for the MCA clients getting 50% of the sale price back in a rebate, they pay us a facilitation fee, and we pay our referral agents. Everybody makes money and the stacked MCA Clients get cash they can payback on a monthly payment that it is also tax deductible.
3. Rebates on financed equipment and even vehicles are both legal and ethical. If it were not legal than every car manufacturer would be in prison as companies like Chevy sometimes offer 15% rebates on select vehicles, and that is to consumers where commerce laws are much stricter.
4. The IRS even honors rebates by not taxing rebate money as they consider it to be part of the sale price, and as far as the payments, those are made to the bank that finances the transaction and are fully tax deductible under IRS code 179, and the States also give tax advantages for equipment leases.

To answer the objection about someone having to buy a computer server that weighs 50 or 60 pounds in order to get working capital, this is reality:

1. If you showed up at most stacked MCA clients (who have more than 2 advances) doors with a bag with $35,000 in it and said "hey, you can have the $35,000 and it will be paid back on a monthly payment of $1450 per month for 60 months, and you can write off the payments on your taxes every year so in the end its costing you only 18% -20% per year in true interest, and you don't have to personally guarantee it because we got this approved off of your businesses credit and not your mangled credit, BUT, in order to get this money you have to sign for a 60 pound pet rock polishing machine, you can pretty much be assured that almost all of them would say, "hell yes, give me that damn pet rock polishing machine." many would be researching pet rocks that very evening. The equipment would mean nothing if the terms for the money made sense.

Well in this case, thank God they can actually get something that can be useful in their business, which is a server, or that can be set up as just another computer, and they don't have to buy a pet rock. LOL - But if you are smart enough to get the picture, then you will understand why this works for a lot of MCA clients who have the business credit to qualify for it.

So to sum it up (because I have already given a ton of info on this between the two posts), either I am a dirty lowdown scammer, or this is real. Either way, I
truly wish you the best folks.

Here is my contact info again, so I am in compliance.

Dan Coleman
VP of Business Development
Lease Rebates Group
845 Third Ave.
6th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 634-2846