Quote Originally Posted by rebatefund View Post
Hey West Coast Funding.

1. What is your corp name? Because when I put "West Coast Funding" in to the CA secretary of state everything comes back dissolved for West Coast Funding Corp or West Coast Funding Group,etc.?
2. What state are you in? Are you even on the west coast or is that a ploy to throw people off?
3. Are you in good standing? How do your parents and siblings rate you as a person? Do you have any friends besides Facebook?

Let me ask you seriously, since you obviously make your living from the MCA world, do you sleep well at night when you help your clients stack themselves until they can't breathe?

And most of our clients are the ones who can't get another stack and have business credit, but have burned up their personal credit because brokers have gotten dozens of inquiries by shotgunning the client in the hopes to get a 6th position and make commission for rent and cigarette money. So again moron, nobody here is trying to steal clients or offer debt settlement. If you had the balls to call me and talk like a man you might make some money with me like other people are.

And obviously you did not read my first post where I told everyone that 'Lease Rebates Group" is a DBA and that we are incorporated under another name, and that you only get that name when your commission check is FedExed. But you and I won't be doing any business anyway because your mind is to small to sell anything but what you do now.

As for you Karen, I heard that you are out of Tampa. I am sure that they have some good mental health professionals down there who can help you resolve your childhood trauma issues which cause you to be disruptive and paranoid and socially dysfunctional. Best to you.

To the Admin of this forum, God bless you for dealing with some of the crackpots on here. I hope that I have not offended you by being so forthright with these idiots and by not disclosing the parent corp of Lease Rebates Group. Please contact Shannon known as SBF and she can even show you privately (the Admin) copies of the commission checks with my blessing. But as for these crackpots, that is a NO GO.

Warmest Regards,

Dan Coleman
VP of Business Development
Lease Rebates Group
845 Third Ave.
6th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 634-2846
Email: dan@leaserebatesgroup.com

Don't drag me into your mess...first off I am out the tampa bay area not tampa..one office is in Tampa the other st pete and I am from the north shore of long island.

And your friend Shannon asked to speak with me...she seemed nice so I did.

I do not care what you do...I know more about Financial Services than you will ever know and I know this, anyone who sends something to someone who doesn't have a parent company or won't give up the name of the parent company then has their paycheck fed exed is nuts.

Leave me out of your scam. And if it isn't a scam you have ZERO presentation skills