Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
have seen on a few agreements, 6 months or 180 days, unless that has changed post balance paid off. however, you should be in constant contact with your merchants MONTHLY! I would not hold my breathe that a renewal will be paid 5 months after it paid off. if 6 months have past and they fund that merchant they no longer consider it, in most cases, YOUR merchant.

correct on the quota insertions** read the fine print. if you do not submit "x" number of deals annually, or, convert "x" number of deals monthly/annually, your whole book could be wiped out. This is mainly done to vet out the one and done brokers who fund 1-2 deals and just want them to renew forever. if you cant keep up with new submissions, join a larger ISO who can so your book can stay intact.

And here is the rub. You better be one hell of a salesperson or team leader to get isos to join you( if you are not a Direct Funder). You are not paying them a salary or hourly wage and most will not follow you.

You must be 1099 trained to build a 1099 organization and most cant do it so they ***** and complain to the ones who can.

leadership is everything