Quote Originally Posted by MidnightAdvance View Post
Yes agreed let's move on.

The only thing I can add is that we have many ISOs who send us quality business and fund many deals with us on a monthly basis, and get paid 10 points on every deal. We don't white label, we don't send anything out, it stays in-house and gets funded or killed in-house. People see us in deals that's why they send us deals.

As funders we always try to stay away from bad ISOs just as much as ISOs try to stay away from bad funders. We respect that from both sides.

(The default program is a separate program that we do on the side, and is not our primary model. We do fund defaults but it needs to make sense, and we don't pay 10 points on those.)

People want their commission from you. I do not know them and I am sure they are not backing down from you.

I want you to send me money as well...its non negotiable. I tired to talk with you offline to not spill ont here but you went yapping like mr fancy pants from your ghetto basement isos

You can call me on monday or dont...then thats that