No matter your industry, an essential component of being successful in business is being involved in your professional community. Conferences are a great place to learn and network, but more than that, they can connect you to the community and beyond. By engaging with others in your industry, you can open your horizons, connect to your work and connect those around you in a deeper and more meaningful way.

As anyone who has been to a conference knows, to get those deep benefits from a conference, it takes a good amount of planning and thought. At CloudMyBiz, this is very relevant as our Sales team is currently in the process of getting prepped to attend Lendit at the beginning of April. Attending too? Click here to connect at Lendit. So in the interests of getting the most out of conferences, we wanted to share with you a handy article that the folks at the Salesforce Admin blog created, outlining 5 successful strategies for conferences. Hint: Creating concrete goals is important! Click the link below and enjoy.

5 Strategies to Increase Your Productivity at Conferences

The CloudMyBiz Team
