Have a Merchant that has been with me for a while, really really good Merchant.

Needed a 3rd Position for highest dollar amount Possible. Had an Offer for 18k that I sold. Then Fundkite Came in with a 2nd Position offer, buying out the 2nd for 29k and netting the Merchant 31k..... and keeping the payments under what they would of been had the merchant got the 3rd Position. Because the 2nd Position was new (only funded last month) I didn't think this would be an option, but Fundkite came through with a great offer!

Instead of getting commission on 18k I got it on 61k, the merchant netted 10k+ More, and Kept Payments Under what they would of been with the short term 3rd Position. ALL in ALL Everybody won. Merchant got more money, paying less back daily, I got paid more money. 2nd Position lender got paid all their money back early in full... and Merchant Walked away Happy.
