Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
cant go that low.....

Since we are on the subject of large size offers....

I am looking to fund more 100K-180K deals a day ... if you funding those short term super subprime files and need specialized situations i would be happy to entertain the subject.

If you have offers for those sizes would be happy to work around your merchant.

email me bizdev@cresthillcapital.com
Marcus, the guy is looking for a home for his deal and you interject with your non-related bull****. Since you want to talk about your companies, can you explain the difference between Mantis and Cresthill for us? Why do you make your reps at Cresthill add PFSs to contracts? Why aren稚 you paying them directly?

Since you love the attention, I figured we may as well give you more. How about every time you try this crap we ask questions about how Cresthill works, and where they send deals? Does that work for you?