is it really that easy?

They will soon be on the df or calling some of us to tell us how to fund deals and to send them all our deals because we don't know what a 1.35 rate vs a 1.45 is or what the term "algorithms" means or "escoteric scoring model" because we are just "phone sales"...then they get that cocky attitude, tell you they have a degree and they would NEVER make phone calls

Then they lose all their money because they do not really know what they are doing

Then they come on the df in a complete Meltdown..turn on the salespeople who are successful...toss in a "id never be a sleazy salesperson" " id never rip someone off" " never sell a high rate " into the mix.....curse out Karen for the hell of it then they are driving uber or back to an office job or micky dees or they sell leads / seo or write a book