Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
I caught a merchant who switched banks...

and another who defaulted on 3 companies and change their companies name

We KILLED the files last week it and then we got backdoored and it funded

I called up both funders saying if you want more of this shiaTe just ask...I wouldnt have killld it

** they didnt know it had defaulted and funded it....they are going to default again
Karen, You have said **** like this before. How you "won't do this deal that deal" or "I killed it"

As a Broker, these terms don't exist for me. I will never turn away a File (except if i can tell it is blatant Fraud)

There are Options Out there. Even Past Yellowstone.... YS used to be the last stop... Now.... just about any file can get an offer of SOMETHING

Midnight, Corporate Capital, East Shore Equities. 2Xist. All Fund Defaulted Merchants. High Rate, Short Term. Rebuild a Payment History.