I work with a group that does an outside the box funding program for MCA clients that are either stacked or who have already gone into debt settlement; but do not yet have any judgments against the business filed with the courts. It is a monthly payment program done strictly off of the business’s credit only, and it pays 10% (possibly more in some cases; but never less) on the funded amount to the ISO.
No bank statements needed and no bank login (means no problem with NSF’s), no financials needed, No personal credit pull on owner (means no FICO minimum) , No personal guarantee, and the whole thing is a tax write-off. Read and see if it makes sense to you.

The pertinent program info is as follows:

1. Not an MCA, loan, line of credit or factor agreement.
2. Does not matter how many cash advance positions the client has.
3. Is fully tax deductible (unlike an MCA or loan or loc). We will explain how.
4. Requires no personal guarantee if the business qualifies (when the business and not the owner has good credit).
5. Is done strictly off of the businesses tax ID/business credit (no personal credit pull on owner). The owner can have a sub 500 FICO. The owner’s credit is never pulled.
6. It does not count as another MCA position and will not affect a consol or renewal.
7. Total Funding amounts to client average from $40,000 to $70,000. (can go as high as $100,000 or more).
8. No need for bank statements or financials. (Think about how many MCA files you have right now with too many NSF’s to get another position)
9. Total process takes approximately 8 to 10 business days from applying to funding.

Client UW Criteria

1. Minimum 4 years in business (registered with the state as Corp, LLC or Professional Corp)
2. Sole Props sometimes allowed
3. No Home Based – Must have a commercial address that is easily verifiable
4. No open tax liens against the business unless in a payment plan
5. No judgments against the business
6. No bankruptcy on the business less than 10 years old
7. Business itself must have real credit showing in D & B. All this means is that the business has paid past bills on time. You would be surprised how many business owners with horrible personal credit who are stacked 3 or 4 advances deep still have good business credit. Remember; a default on a cash advance does not show on business credit until a judgment is filed with the courts; so if you have clients who have restructured or who just started debt settlement, they may be good candidates for this.


1. Monthly payments
2. No personal guarantee
3. No personal credit pull for owner
4. No confession of judgment
5. No extra fees
6. Does not count as a cash advance position (won’t interfere with renewals or consolidation)
7. Fully tax deductible
8. 3 or 5 year term (client’s choice if approved)

Again, this is outside the box and after we explain it to you, should you choose to move forward, then you will be working directly with our group out of NYC.

There is real potential here for you to make real money from otherwise dead files.

If you are interested PM me your contact info or contact us with your name, ISO name, email and phone, through the contact form on ISO Agreement provided.