If people do not want to get on the phone you can master the art of Face to Face selling, like insurance salespeople.
( they do not cold call)

or make phone calls do this in your spare time as you go to restaurants, malls, flea markets

Top 100 List ( 100 names , people, businesses, organizations, professional groups etc)

#1 Make a list of every person you know ( close friends, associates, casual acquaintances)

#2 Make a list of every organization you know ( chamber of commerce, real estate group, trade groups)

# 3 Business that can be a source of Referrals ( accountants, Loan brokers etc)

In your spare time or part-time get out and about to network, find referrals

( if you are eating in a Resturant...that owner might need money, flea market,..mall...they need money)

Learn non-verbal sales technique

Choose your first 12 words carefully...you have 7 seconds to make the first impression

Say their name right off the bat or ask their name

Shake their hand ( nod your head like bill Clinton use to**to not seem superior )

** here is the key. You have to learn to ask 5 leading questions so that they ask YOU for your business card ...not vice versa.

5 pulling questions towards the close

Practice until you perfect it

You can use these techniques to switch their processing equipment or make a mca sale/SBA/loan...whereever the conversation leads you

( now hit the phone or hit the pavement for face to face )

Happy Prospecting ..Karen Gl