Hello Brokers,

Greenbox Capital will be celebrating its 6-year anniversary in August of this year. We have weathered the storms that have put many other companies out of business. Greenbox has been able to do this due to our responsible funding practices, retention of best in class personnel, and our proprietary software, The Box.

The Box minimizes human interaction with submissions, increasing security of sensitive information by preventing access to employees who aren’t privy to customer data, based on status/user role. The Box is programmed to track every users footprint and send alerts to our administration when unauthorized users try to access submissions. In an effort to eliminate backdooring and maximize speed and communication, our core competencies, The Box does not require phone numbers or email addresses on the application for submission. Greenbox understands that brokers seek comfort and security in this industry. We encourage anyone who feels that Greenbox is not one of the most secure companies to send your business, to reach out to us for a tour of our software and a review of our physical controls. We are confident that you come to see us as industry leaders in security.

We, as a leadership body, pride ourselves on being an example in the specialty finance industry. We have assisted many companies, recently Yellowstone, in increasing their security measures to prevent theft. While we do whatever possible to mitigate, nothing is 100% guaranteed but it’s very close. Funding companies are widely in part here to serve brokers, we want to work cooperatively to strengthen our businesses. If any broker has knowledge of theft at any funding company, they should report it right away rather than make hearsay, as it is not productive for any party.

Human error is always a possibility when working with human beings and Greenbox is made up of many hard-working individuals who, on occasion, make mistakes. We own up to our short comings and will always put something in place to ensure that our breakdowns are minimized and rarely repeated, which has integrity. We agree an MTD was submitted with the submission and was overlooked. Our team has been addressed and corrected. Rest assured that we are continually growing and our track record will prove that we are consistent with our core competencies of speed and communication.

Greenbox Capital does require a personal guaranty for all those who work with us. The personal guaranty can be waived for ISOs of scale or if the ISO maintains a Financial Institutions bond at least $250,000 in coverage. The personal guaranty is in place if the ISO is not willing or interested in obtaining business insurance to protect all parties, including the ISO itself, from brokers who are misrepresenting the product and/or committing acts of fraud. While some lenders have chosen to cut all or part of their ISO channel, Greenbox has chosen this route to produce the same result. Our Sales Partners are not responsible for any actions of the merchant, Greenbox has and continues to assume that liability of which our agreement clearly defines. Greenbox has and will always be a safe place for above board brokers to do business with.

For any additional questions, feel free to give us a call at 305-952-3200 Option 2. We will be happy to assist you.