Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post

just curious, but why do you feel as though placing an ad in the middle of a thread that's discussing a totally different topic, is going to make people take your company seriously?

In relation to the topic again though, i never personally understood the concept of a "lead company". At the core of a broker's business, the broker is really just a lead generator for his lenders, they function as a way to reduce down the lender's operating expenses/improve profitability.

If a "lead company" claims they are selling high quality (ready to fund) merchants, why aren't they closing their own deals? Maybe it's a difference in terminology, because i believe you have "data" and you have "leads," and i hear some of the lead companies referring to "data" as a "lead".

Data is just business intelligence, it's information on a business or a group of businesses, and as a sales professional it's your job to take that data and create a sales pipeline with it.

Then you have leads, which are actual interested prospects in the services/products that you have to offer, and i truly believe those can only be generated in-house or externally through a contracted referral source.
i think the admin already covered this dont you ?