
While I find what you posted funny. What is not funny is the behavior of some to new people who enter the scene.This became almost like Reddit...people pouncing, for the sake of being mean instead of a sales networking board.
( and complaining that no one can make money)

And I am very glad that people like that I drop subjects when i get the upper hand or prove that I am right.Where were you or anyone when this idiot was posting that I committed stock fraud?

In fact, some of you participated in your stock fantasy stories.

This wasn't a simple one-time thing. I have all the posts saved all the PMS.It isn't ok or legal to post that someone committed "stock fraud:" went to jail for securities fraud, barred from the industry for life when it didn't come close to happening.

I guess if I follow thru with a lawsuit that will gain his attention to say

" I am sorry for slandering you because I cant make sales and I am frustrated that I had to leave the industry and jealous that some people are making money"

It's as simple as that. Some do not have the ability or character to do so until its too late.