Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
you have been telling people for YEARS that a broker can only make 30k a year and 2 %,
I said the vast majority of brokers can barely keep the lights on. I don't remember giving out a specific annual compensation amount though, do you have reference to that?

Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
and that your book got taken from you and you wanted to create a brokers union of some type and that you left the industry to go work for Brinks.
I never said a "book" got taken away, I made a post saying having a new deal policy for renewal compensation made no sense. Brokers do need some sort of advocate against big money funders who can back-door their deal without recourse. And I never said I "left". Now, can you please stop saying this stuff Elizabeth? I'm trying to be respectful here.

Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
( contest with 100 uccs was bad too)
You offered a production challenge and I took you up on it. If you feel 100 UCCs is too low, then what amount do you prefer? I don't use UCCs as a main marketing strategy anymore Elizabeth and I'm busy (I'm a one man show lol) I can't commit to a 1,000 UCC campaign over 30 to 60 days, I don't have time. So what modifications do you want to the challenge? You made the challenge, remember?

Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
I have to produce sales, not play around with Catfish...who thought that myself and others that are working hard making 50-100k a month were catfishing.
When did I say this? Where are you getting this stuff from? The way those 3 to 5 guys are making money at YellowStone, is the exact stuff I have been preaching for years in how a small fraction of guys are making a significant amount of money. My content is out there.

You never answered my question on the $15k to $20k per month? Do you think that's good or bad for a one man shop?