Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
See Elizabeth, this is the B.S. I keep exposing about you.

- You keep challenging someone to "get on the phone" and do a production comparison with you. I took you up on it and now you are backing away.

- You keep mentioning that you had a firm with 300 licensed brokers working under you and you won't provide information on said firm.

- You mention that you know a ton of people making $100k a month or more in this industry but won't even provide a small ounce of who these people "might" be, similar to what Carl did.

I seriously don't know why you aren't banned. You are clearly here to joke around, troll, and act a damn fool.

Everyone knows that dialing 100 ucc records as a test over 60days is the most absurd nonsalesman like thing ever said in the history of the Daily Funder.

Just ignore me unless you want to go onto the phone in public in a rebuttal battle or sales battle so everyone can laugh.

You are on ignore now