Quote Originally Posted by Cfairbank View Post
From a lenders standpoint, this is the opportunity — and potentially one for the ISOs as well. Folks are still focused on the customer facing aspects instead of things like a neural net that can turn 100,000 datapoints into 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 observations. Manual entry still happens daily when it can be replaced by a mixture of OCR and ML. So many diffeeent applications of AI. And Blockchain is the solution for identity fraud and over funding, but no moves to delelop blockchain(s) (except ours) that I know about. We plan to release an application that gives ISO or partner automated approval / denial by just sending in PDFs of app and back statements — this leverages multiple types of advanced technology.

The tools are there, but you need to find and pay up for the best engineers. Literally the day we began exploring the most advanced technologies was one of the most transformative day in our history.


I know you got a 96? On your series 7 and I received a 91( i had to study for 2/3 weeks ...woo wee it was hard) and I have a computer science degree but the people who failed Quantum physics, quantum theory, and quantum mechanics don't understand.

I can translate binary code to hexadecimal ..positive integers after class.

Do you think some know what "nural net"means lol

** I am joking with you***