Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
To sum this up. (John /Karen debates because I am bored of it now ).
If you are really good in sales you do not open the door for the conversation to be steered in the wrong direction

Example courtroom

blah blah the weather is cold but you have mugshots

mugshot becomes the new topic to spin off of and when you try to shut it down ( i object she is off topic) Judge ..., overruled, you opened the door by entering it into evidence...proced young lady.
Cash advance

blah blah we do not have the best rates like so and so...but we are not like dirty d paper x company.

(You now opened the door for the merchant to SHOP you, just out of curiosity they are going to look...and God forbid you send them to a great salesperson for information...you are NEVER getting them back.)

track how many times you veered off topic by putting your foot in your mouth or opened the door for the merchant to hang up.. Or for me to drag you face forward on the board for sport because you poked at me or said something extremely rude and condescending about the industry, sales people, inside sales reps, funders..
( which is why we do not get along and how this all started)

Sales Example

Intro line " I know you are busy but I won't take up much of your time"

(you now opened the door for them to say immediately or down the line..."ok as you said I am busy, get back to me another day ")

Whatever the last word is that is said in a sentence also can be parlayed or spun off of.


person A wants to talk about the weather in NY and promote tourism and they say ...blah blah.. I love the weather in NY but the weather is also nice in Calif.

Salesperson B picks up the word Calif ( because they want to promote something else)

Calif is a lovely state have you ever been there?

Person A ...yes I have

Salesperson. And isn't the scenery lovely? I would like to go to rodeo drive but it is so expensive. Have you been there in particular? And do you have the money to go?

Person B ...no I do not have the money but I would like to go

Salesperson >>> So take out a LOAN, you will be glad you did.

( Sales is a Science ....Art of linguistics...Semantics...wordplay)

Figure out how to do this with MCA or get an expert salesperson to give you their magic scripts.

( the Topic can be pulled back into cash advance with 3 simple moves and there are 3 Universal Questions that can get the person to say YES...no matter where the conversation steers out to. And one universal move for any problem...gets you right back to the yes yes mode)

I will not give sales tips anymore, which I know rookies are watching and many people benefit including the sponsors and all cash advance companies because they get the deals sent to them not me... it isn't worth the drama. Stay negative. Save the spelling lessons too. by the time you punch out x amount of calls, document collections, closing, training, you are slap happy passing out, stuttering; the last thing you are worried about is typos or grammar.
Hi Karen. Can you sum up your summary?