Think what you will...everyone quit one can make money ...less competition

Some cant even get thru the gatekeeper and some ask yes or no questions all over the place.

Let me get the tazer and lets play the game..

yes or no question = no ....tazzzz

I bet you cant put up an intro line that is suitable.

( Hi I am from so and so capital ) buzzzzzzzzz
( hi your file came across my desks someone quit) buzzzz

both of you post your intro line into the conversation and then post your closing line.

** when I was younger if I asked a yes or no question I kept track of it on paper and at the end of the day went home and practiced to correct it, write it down and memorized it to only ask a yes or no again...practice.

Then I conquered the next sales mistake I was making

I had recipe cards... I really REALLY REALLY wanted to master it

( but I had to admit it wasn't just dumb luck for some)