Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Cold call who? Random Merchants out of the Yellow Pages?

This is the same "stuff" that the vast majority of "Middle Managers" promote in this industry and the same "training" from these Middle Managers has been going on (in mass) for the last number of years.

If the training worked so well, why are majority of agents/brokers failing and can barely keep the lights on? To say, "those agents/brokers just aren't following the system right" makes absolutely no sense.

Reminds me of the Prosperity Gospel Church Pastors who promise that the "Lord" will "bless you" if you just follow his instructions of putting $1,000 in the bucket when it comes around. You put the $1,000 in the bucket, nothing happens, and the Pastor never says his system is flawed, but instead says you just didn't have enough faith, or you didn't believe right, or (insert other random stuff here).

Because each salesperson has different sales ability.

That's like asking " if I read a book on how to play baseball why is everyone not in the major leagues with a 300 batting average"

Is a skill and a learned science.

Everyone cant play the piano like Beethoven or sing like Whitney Houston did.

Once people get a grip on the reality that it is a learned science...art of linguistics they can start making money

The Sentences

1a. It was a mediocre sunset.
1b. The sunset this evening was mediocre.
1c. This evening's sunset was mediocre.
2. The landscape was both beautiful and desolate.
3. The underdog carnation is preferable to the self-congratulatory rose.
4. She surveyed the scenery with disgust. She had no use for quaint.
5. She decided that a nautical metaphor was more appropriate than a lunar metaphor or a botanical metaphor.

6. Her sincerity frightened him and his irony bored her.
7. She enjoys intimacy with strangers.
8. She felt weak whenever their eyes met.
9. I could write a poem that would break your fking heart.
10. Unrequited love can go fk* itself.