Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
I understand your point is to "motivate" people in the traditional "sales mumbo jumbo" sense. But the reality still stands that the vast majority of brokers in this industry can barely keep the lights on.

And while I know most like to say this is in relation to said brokers not having "superior sales ability", I really don't think "superior sales ability" is the foundation of success in this space. I still believe it's having a unique network/system to get a stream of exclusive (or somewhat exclusive) referrals/leads, and/or getting somewhat exclusive business data that you can filter through to get a much higher conversion rating compared to doing random/generic Yellow Page cold-calls.

But I know you fundamentally disagree with this and believe Yellow Page cold-calls can produce 6 figure incomes if someone just has "superior sales skills". My experience and research just doesn't show this to be true at all in today's Merchant Services/Merchant Cash Advance market.


90-95% of people who enter the sales industry...Finance, stockbrokers, insurance mortgages, mca ....quit or get bankrupted.If people want to be the 5-10% they need to be coachable.

#1 Stay Postive and believe you can be one of them

#2 Increase your sales ability ( phone sales)

Since most people enter the industry and want sales to come into them on autopilot and avoid the phone, they will never make it.

If it could be on autopilot the Funders would do it themselves and never have isos or salespeople, there would only be customer service agents only for minimum wage.

True Salespeople understand this and are proud that they are one because most cannot make it ethically.And it's a learned art or science.
Some salespeople are just advanced customer service agents or "order takers"...they need to fix that.

Can most people drop their ego to go thru the rejection and learning curve, be blindly coachable?....nope.

And can they not get greedy and not try to cut your throat for 2-3 % after you trained them?...nope.

That's that.