Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Okay so you are just butt-hurt then, is that what I can conclude from this lol?

- I'm also assuming that the $15k to $20k per month I do is good performance, considering that you don't "believe it"? I'm an open book so I have no issues providing details.

- I'm also assuming you will continue to say "butt-hurt" lies over and over, like I "left" the industry, or I can't "close", or whatever, when I just put my performance numbers on here with full disclosure if you need.

Your background is amazing Elizabeth, but unfortunately, you just don't carry yourself at all like a person that's been working in commercial finance since 1988. You act too childish and immature.

But with that being said, maybe we should let this thread die lol? It's been established that you are "butt-hurt" so it doesn't appear as though any productive discussion will occur from continuing.

This isn't the bank or the hallowed halls of Yale or Harvard...stop running around with your online degrees and the bankers who think they are cute because they take a salary from a tier 2 bank

When I was Outside tier 1 banks producing billions making top commission.

you do not like me Tough. How many people are on your team?

Let me know when you have the ability to recruit and train 300 licensed brokers ...1099 ( volunteers) and hold onto them for YEARS... 10 people join only 1 makes it...so that's 3000-5000 recruited

YOUR style doesn't work in sales rooms...go to the bank ( back office)

Butt hurt isn't you slandering me saying I committed stock fraud because I embarrassed you in an argument.

its called slander and defamation and it's an actionable offense

Anyway....Good luck. Let me know when that apology for the slander thing is coming