Trucking Company in OK
7 Months Time In Business
2 Owners are 50/50 - One Owner has 9003 Credit / Other Owner is 640
Discharged Bankruptcy in Owners Past (2 yrs old)

Nov - Month Start $4,406.0 / Deposits 16,429 / Month End $2918 / 9 Deposits / Avg Daily Balance 3,108
Dec - Month Start $2,918.0 / Deposits $17,685 / Month End $1589 / 12 Deposits / Avg Daily Balance $2,700
Jan - Month Start $1,589.0 / Deposits $17,608 / Month End $2,886 / 7 Deposits / Avg Daily Balance $1,929

No Other Positions, this will be his first Cash Advance
No Cash Advance History Whatsoever

Have 4k Approval from LCF
5k Approval From WIde

He is sold a 1.49/ Daily Doesn't matter - I just need a higher dollar amount