There is quite a bit of excitement in the blogosphere and Salesforce communities around the upcoming Spring ‘18 release. After all, it’s a big release and what’s not to be excited about? There are all sorts of improvements, features and customizations coming to your Salesforce org. However, some of the less sexy but critical changes revolve around GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and what Salesforce is doing to enable compliance.

If you aren't familiar, GDPR is a new privacy regulation, set to take effect on May 25, 2018, aimed at giving individuals more control over how their data is collected, used and stored. The good news for Salesforce users is that the platform is working hard to make it easy for you to remain compliant. Take a look here for a great overview and recommendations for first steps. If you need to go one step further and really gear up for the change, Salesforce Shield may be just what you need.

Want more? Click here to see the full GDPR breakdown from CloudMyBiz!

The CloudMyBiz Team
