I have 2 reps based in Tampa Florida, ready to send qualified MCA leads based on your specific requirements.
All qualified leads have monthly revenue up to $100,000 and have a business checking account with 6 months bank statements
ready for your review.

Cost per lead will be as low as $45 (based on volume)
You can expect 4-8 qualified leads per day.

If qualified, we call you and then bring the lead on the line to make the introduction. Once the introduction is made, we end the phone call leaving you and your
client on the phone for the consultation.

The call is recorded to insure quality and recordings are available to you.

All leads 100% guaranteed with a written replacement policy.
You may return a lead for the following reasons:

1.Business loan default on credit
2.Open bankruptcy
3.No business bank account
4.Not a business owner
5.Not in business long enough
6.Not enough gross revenue
7.Industry restricted
8.State Restricted

For More Information Call: 888-630-5530