So I have a client who would be looking to refer existing and performing merchants to a funder who deals with Canada. The referral would not be breached accounts but would be merchants who may have a couple of bounced payments who have come current, but nothing overly horrid. My client would want to refer these merchants to be consolidated and taken over simply because they would have no interest in renewing them. I have offered my help in developing this relationship between them and the prospective funder who they would refer to.

My question is as follows:

Is there a funder who deals in Canada who would look at a file with a couple of bounced payments but who are generally performing? I'd say on average 4-5 NSF's most of which will have been recovered. These are not bad deals, just deals which my client has no interest in renewing and which another funder may want and in turn consolidate their balance and take it over. I need to stress that these are not defaulted accounts, just who are not performing at optimum levels.

ISO's would not work in this scenario, only direct funders please and the volume could be substantial. It could be a true win/win which is a rarity these days. Please message me if interested.