Quote Originally Posted by gaxisa View Post
For A+ paper first position I love National, IOU, and GRP.

For A paper first/second position I typically go with Credibly, Lendr, Strategic, Snap, Quarterspot, The Smarter Merchant, 1st Global, and Rapid Advance.

For second/third A- B paper I'd suggest InAdvance, EIN CAP, Everest, Pearl, and sometimes Accord.

For everything else, I dabble with Lendini, CFG, Daka, SOS, and TVT.

For reverse consolidations I've been doing some crazy ones with FundKite and PAR.

For most of these lenders I can put you in touch with a great ISO rep. Probably missed a bunch but I'm sure other ISOs have some great suggestions. Hope I was able to help.
Thanks a lot man! that helps a lot.