Quote Originally Posted by Nobsfunding View Post
There is one interesting fact that the D.F. Audience should take into consideration anybody that comes onto this forum frequently or infrequently will notice that there is always the same 3or 4 Troller's saying negative things about everybody else posting. All this Troller's are present here

If you take a look at the people they are attacking they are hardly ever on this forum, let alone Trolling anybody else. What that says is that those people have no time to by D.F. Commenting on other peoples post

The ones doing the attacking always want to pass them self of a successful and Knowledgeable in this industry, but if they are all that then why do they have so much time to be on D.F. Trolling that makes no sense

the reality is these people blame everyone else for there failures you can see that these people are very unsuccessful that's probably due to the fact that they are lazy and incompetent And instead of applying
them self to their work they rather be on here spreading negativity

I would never ever recommend that anyone listen to their opinion or do business with them They want to talk about shady no one looks sadder than these people. Accusing others of thing they probably have done 7 times over
They are complete and total better losers

I know people who have had deals with prosperum and have no complaints
Did you get paid 10 points for this post.